Magnetic Floats
The Float is engineered and located inside the Chamber. It is sized and weighed to the specific gravity of the process fluid to be measured. The float contains a 360° Magnetic Assembly which generates a strong uniform magnetic circuit. The magnetic Flux Lines generated by the float interlocks with the indicator. The hermetically sealed Indicator, the Wide Flag® or Wide Tracker® Style, contains its own magnetic assemblies which interlock with the float through the Chamber, providing a strong and reliable design. As the Float moves with the changes in the liquid level, the magnetic attraction between the Indicator and Float will ensure that the Indicator will track the position of the float exactly and the liquid level is measured precisely.
When designing the magnetic circuit between the float and indicator there are many considerations other than just how strong the magnets are in the float. The Mag-Gage® level gauges have undergone extensive testing to produce a rigid and high performance design. With a unique construction the indication performs under the most demanding conditions such as high/low temperatures, vibrations, even schedule 160 chambers. Our patented solid magnet Wide Flag® design not only provides highly visible indication but provides a powerful connection with the float. The reliability and repeatability of the Mag-Gage® float and indicator combination is unmatched.
CPVC Float
Kynar Float
Titanium High Pressure Float
High Pressure Interface Float with Field Adjustable Weight
Coated Float for Corrosive Process
Standard Stainless Steel Float
The Carbon Fiber Float ® (Patented)